Studio Marco Vermeulen is an interdisciplinary design firm that enjoys working at the intersection of urban planning, architecture, and landscape. We combine societal challenges with opportunities for spatial quality, striving for sustainable and inspiring solutions. Our projects are often related to one or more of the following theme’s:Building with fossil-based materials leads to high CO2 emissions and the depletion of natural resources. This is no longer sustainable; a change is needed. Building with plant-based materials is a sustainable alternative that tackles two issues at once: it prevents CO2 emissions that result from using fossil materials, and it stores CO2 absorbed by plants during their growth.
What other benefits does plant-based construction offer, and how does it impact our living comfort, the environment, and emissions from the construction sector?
more...What other benefits does plant-based construction offer, and how does it impact our living comfort, the environment, and emissions from the construction sector?
The Dutch delta, formed by rivers and the sea, is vulnerable. Due to climate change, the delta is under pressure from rising sea levels, sinking soil, heavy rainfall, and full rivers. In the past, humans have completely controlled the water system with the help of modern techniques, but the question is whether this strategy will still work in the future. The Netherlands needs to reassess its approach, making water and soil the guiding principles in spatial decisions. What would the Netherlands look like if we chose a different approach and moved more in harmony with the water? Can the Netherlands transform into an amphibious landscape, where living and nature are balanced, and where there is enough space for biodiversity and recreation?
more...In Nederland strijden natuur, landbouw en de stad om kostbare ruimte: de natuur staat onder druk, de landbouw moet veranderen en tegelijkertijd is er een groeiende behoefte aan woningen. Gebouwen worden binnen dit spanningsveld vaak gezien als bedreiging voor de landbouw en natuur. Echter, door de hoge waarde van bouwgrond in combinatie met het verdienmodel van woningbouw kan bebouwing juist werken als hefboom voor de creatie van meer natuur! Zeker als de bebouwing zelf onderdeel wordt van de natuur, door toepassing van groene daken, te bouwen met plantaardige materialen en natuurinclusieve gevels. Op welke manier kan bebouwing bijdragen aan het versterken van de natuur in Nederland?
more...The Netherlands is an agricultural country. As much as 60% of the land area in the Netherlands is dedicated to agriculture, while nature occupies only 26% and built-up areas 14% of our land. Although agriculture puts significant pressure on society, its economic contribution is relatively small. However, large-scale agriculture causes various problems, such as declining water quality, high nitrogen emissions, manure surpluses, loss of biodiversity, and drought. The agriculture we know today must change. And that offers opportunities. How can the agricultural transition contribute to a new Dutch landscape, where a revenue model for farmers, sufficient healthy food, robust nature, and low emissions come together?
more...The Dutch landscape has been strongly influenced by human intervention over the centuries. These adjustments have protected the land and created safe living spaces but have also visibly changed it.
Old structures are disappearing due to modernization, while new layers are being added. By restoring or subtly integrating historical elements into the landscape, we can make the past visible again and preserve our heritage for the future. When restoration is not possible, exhibitions and digital reconstructions can help convey historical stories. How do we ensure that our historical heritage remains a living part of the future?
more...Old structures are disappearing due to modernization, while new layers are being added. By restoring or subtly integrating historical elements into the landscape, we can make the past visible again and preserve our heritage for the future. When restoration is not possible, exhibitions and digital reconstructions can help convey historical stories. How do we ensure that our historical heritage remains a living part of the future?
The unique location has made the Netherlands an important trading nation, with a strong transport and logistics sector and an extensive network for the exchange of industrial gases and other raw materials. The transition to a sustainable economy requires smart adaptations of existing infrastructures and new networks for sustainable energy and resources, such as hydrogen, electricity, CO2, and biomass. This leads to new industrial hubs. Additionally, emerging sectors like the data economy, logistics, and energy generation are placing demands on our (cultural) landscape. How can these new industrial hubs and economies be integrated while preserving our landscape?